The Challenge
As a leading international energy company E.ON requires a professional and sustainable pool of leadership talent that they can tap into to fulfil their succession plan and ensure their business is future fit. A group of high potential leaders, who had come through a global assessment programme, was identified to be part of their global Talent Development Programme. The aim for this group was to broaden their understanding of the business and particularly their experience with international strategic projects. E.ON wanted to develop their skills and competencies to ensure they were ready to take on more senior leadership roles in the future.
The Approach
A one-year programme was developed for the chosen participants and was centred around E.ON’s leadership behavioural model. The programme consisted of face-to-face, virtual and digital learning and the participants were spilt into four groups, coming together six times across the year for group coaching. Working against a group coaching framework we used a creative coaching process to work with the participants to develop their potential. Each session offered opportunity for problem solving; sharing experiences; time for reflection, building trust and developing collaborative networks. The sessions aimed to support them on their talent journey and to sustain and embed their leadership capabilities. Outside of the coaching the participants had a framework which allowed them to support each other across the year.
The programme was a huge success and E.ON reported that the participants had increased productivity through shared practices and lessons learned and the collaborative networks are thriving today. They gained a much-improved understanding of how an organisation shares, processes and uses information for global collaborative working, how to impact and influence externally and internally with key stakeholder groups and the relational aspects of being a leader.